Frequently asked questions
Joining scouts
Our pack is a family pack which is open to boys & girls in grades kindergarten thru fifth grade.
The first step is to contact us directly – and we can send you an invitation to join and sign up online.
For 2024/25 the annual fees for scouting are $165 (National/Council fee due at signup) and pack fees of $115 due in November.
Additional costs include uniforms and rank books which can be purchased at the Crossroads of America Council Store – 7125 Fall Creek Rd N, Indianapolis, IN 46256
Our pack dues generally cover our scouting year events, activities, awards and annual campout. Other council run events throughout the year may be at additional cost.
We do a few fundraisers through the year including popcorn sales. Approximately 30% of popcorn sales go back to our pack and can be used towards scouting expenses like fees, dues, camp etc.
Interested families are invited and encouraged to come check out one of our meetings to learn more about scouts and our unit. We typically meet the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of every month. Contact us to find out where and when to find us!
Our pack has a great relationship with Troop 131 who meets every Wednesday of the month. Contact us for more information.

More about our pack
Meetings are typically themed towards earning different Adventure Loops that go towards ultimately earning rank advancement. Adventures cover a variety of topics ranging from fun and games, health and physical fitness, community service and citizenship, building, first aid, nature, camping and more!
As a Family Pack, we expect parents to be present at meetings and participate or lend a hand when applicable. We’d always love more parent volunteers so if you are interested in becoming a den leader that would be great! If you only have time to help out here and there, that’s fine too.
We have at least one family campout at Camp Belzer every year. This year’s family campout is planned for April 2025.
The always popular pinewood derby takes place in January. Scouts will receive a car kit to design, build, decorate and race!
There are several opportunities for summer camp in the Crossroads of America Council. As a pack we attend Cub Scout Day Camp at Belzer in June. Day camp is more geared towards younger scouts Lion, Tiger, Wolves and Bears. There are separate camps for Webelos and even a family summer camp.
We do Scouting for Food every spring where we collect food for local food pantries, we go caroling at local nursing homes in December and we do cleanups locally.